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100% NATURAL rejuvenation using your own cells!  Produces platelet-rich fibrin from your own blood sample.

Face & Neck:








Scar Therapy:


Tear Through:


Tear Through/Mild Cheek Junction:



PRF Injectables

Injecting your own fibrin for your body to build its own collagen.  (Alternative to filler)

PRF Micro-needling

Micro-needling using your own fibrin your face and using the micro-needling pen to make fine holes in the skin on the face and neck.  Resurfaces the skin.  Best results are accomplished by doing 3-4 every 3 weeks to achieve maximum benefits.


PDO Threads

PDO Threads are made of protein and are thinner than a strand of hair;  They relax muscles and tendons.  The immune system's response to a foreign body improves blood flow to the area, which stimulates the production of new collagen in your skin.  Additionally, it is quite effective when it comes to instantly lifting areas of your neck, face, and body.  They smooth your shine to give you a youthful and sculpted appearance. 

Smooth:  $35.00 Per Thread

Twisted:  $50.00 Per Thread

Procell Microchanneling

Procell's Micro-channel Delivery Serum contains bone marrow derived growth factors hyaluronic acid suspension.  Both of these elements are naturally-occurring in the human body.  There are no human, animal, plant cells, DNA, blood, or any other foreign substances. 

The process of ProCell scar revision immerses the healing cells with natural growth factors and cytokines derived from stem cells to accelerate healing. For things like stretch marks, scarring or cellulite, wrinkles

Single Procell Treatment:  $275.00


(4) Procell Treatments:  $800.00

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